...I would argue that it is sometimes the pain in things that make you appreciate them the most... it is my unconditional willingness to endure the middle-of-the-night feedings, the cleaning up of vomit, the screaming for no good reason, etc that makes me realize how much I love my child and love raising him...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Questions From an Impending First Time Laborer... Other Advice or as She Puts it, Wisdom

I have a good friend that is soon to go into labor with her first child. Feeling some pangs of anxiety of the impending pain (and of course knowing that I am no expert and that everyone’s experience is different), she e-mailed me with questions concerning my experience with labor… here is one exchange:

Any helpful words or wisdom or advise that you think I need to know would be much appreciated!
Try to relax as much as possible. I sat and watched TV at home through 6 hours of my labor and it really wasn’t the traumatic experience for me that some people describe it as. I think that is because I tried to focus on something else (the TV).
EAT EAT EAT before you go to the hospital. They won’t let you eat once you get there so you want to be well fed when you get there. I suggest protein- you have A LOT of work to do that day and need to have the fuel to get it done.
During early labor, experiment with different positions during contractions to get an idea of what works for you before they get worse.
Also, please remember that I was INCREDIBLY overwhelmed for the first month after Zach was born. You've got to laugh, you've got to cry, you've got to figure things out. It didn’t feel like it to me at the time but it is really a fun time of figuring things out and getting to know one another!

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