...I would argue that it is sometimes the pain in things that make you appreciate them the most... it is my unconditional willingness to endure the middle-of-the-night feedings, the cleaning up of vomit, the screaming for no good reason, etc that makes me realize how much I love my child and love raising him...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sippy Saga

I am stressed about transitioning from a bottle to a sippy cup. We have tried all of the suggested tricks, short of just stopping giving him a bottle.
  • give the sippy at meal times
  • give it with water instead of formula to indicate a difference
  • give it with formula so he knows it is for sustinence
  • try different types of sippys
  • help him with the sippy
  • let him be in control of the sippy
  • show him how to use the sippy
Zach doesn't buy any of it. He can and will use a sippy but just for sips (as the name clearly indicates) not to really get some good fluids. This morning we attemped to have him use a sippy instead of a bottle for his morning feed (usually one he gobbles down). He took a couple sips and then looked for his bottle and got VERY upset when he couldn't find it. Does this mean he isn't ready for the transition? Should we let it go until he initiates? Will he ever initiate?

There is a part of this that I don't want him to transition. I want to keep cuddling him in the morning while he takes his bottle peacefully. For 11 months I have used that time to start my day quietly praying over my baby and I am mourning the loss of that time and sweetness.

Just another hard parenting moment. We'll get through... I just don't know when and how quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Just keep offering. It takes a little while for them to learn how to use the sippy and really REALLY drink from it other than just taking one sip and putting it down. For K, she needed to practice NOT in her feeding chair where she couldn't lean back. So during floor time, give a sippy of water so it won't stain anything. :-p
