...I would argue that it is sometimes the pain in things that make you appreciate them the most... it is my unconditional willingness to endure the middle-of-the-night feedings, the cleaning up of vomit, the screaming for no good reason, etc that makes me realize how much I love my child and love raising him...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Wonderful Ones

I have to say… I LOVE the age of ONE!
I’ve said it many times before- I’m not really a newborn person. I don’t feel the need to hold and cuddle tiny babies in my presence. It’s not that I have an adverse reaction to them- they are cute and fun in their own teeny way but I just don’t go all gah gah over them. This insight of mine, when shared, has often been met with looks of confusion and/or disapproval. I’m just being honest. Now, don’t get me wrong… I did love holding and cuddling with MY baby but generally it’s just not my thing.
That being said (again), I LOVE the age Zach is at right now. He has a bit of independence and is starting to comprehend what he is and isn’t allowed to do. He is such a sponge. I am constantly teaching him new things and everything is exciting and new for him. The best is that when I go to pick him up he reaches out for me and hugs me. It is just all so amazing. Even when it's not... it is.
To think it has only been a year. From those long first days and nights, it didn’t take long to get here.
So there is my best piece of advice to new moms that are struggling… it really doesn’t take that long to get past it. For all those new moms that LOVE the new born stage… go help the ones that don’t.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you mama! One is the greatest and the newborn stage was just not my favorite. I think it will just keep on getting better from here to high school! :-)
