...I would argue that it is sometimes the pain in things that make you appreciate them the most... it is my unconditional willingness to endure the middle-of-the-night feedings, the cleaning up of vomit, the screaming for no good reason, etc that makes me realize how much I love my child and love raising him...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Diaper Rash Disaster

We’ve been having a wicked case of the diaper rash this last week! I called my friend about it and she asked, “I don’t know what you normally do for this but…” Here’s the thing, we don’t have a “normally do.” He has never really had trouble with this. What I usually do is slap a bit of Boudreauxs on it and like magic it is gone by the next day. Not this time. This time it became open wounds that bled. You’re welcome for that visual. You are welcome.
Well, what could have caused this!?! We still don’t know. Several theories… a bad case of teething… something new he ate and is evidently allergic to… using different diapers… neglect at daycare… excessive pooping due to growth spurt and thus increased appetite. Who knows. We took an aggressive approach to fixing the problem and changed a bunch all at once and will slowly reintroduce foods, diapers, etc to see what the culprit was.
So, the first thing everyone suggested was to “let it air out.” Which evidently means to let the baby run around naked. That was wasn’t going to happen. My friend recommended (and loaned me) cloth diapers to use for the evening. These let more air in and were softer on his ailing tushy.
This next step is, in my opinion, where the magic happened. My friend’s old child care provider used the following trick and I have found it to be quite effective. I put the diaper cream of my choice (sometimes Boudreaux Butt Paste, sometimes Aquaphor) and then put baby powder on top of the cream. This kind of seals in the cream and makes it not rub off as easily thus sealing in the healing.
He is getting better but it is slow with the open wounds. Nasty stuff this diaper rash. I would say I wish I could take it on for him but I don’t. I just wish no one had it.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that helped us when Alex and Molly have had a bad diaper rash is to give them a little soak in warm water (like a typical bath) with some baking soda. You can see a difference right away. Doing that a couple of times mixed with Boudreaux cleared it up quickly!
