...I would argue that it is sometimes the pain in things that make you appreciate them the most... it is my unconditional willingness to endure the middle-of-the-night feedings, the cleaning up of vomit, the screaming for no good reason, etc that makes me realize how much I love my child and love raising him...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Loving Neediness

Zach has been very needy lately... and I love it!

There is nothing that makes my little mama heart sing like my little buggy wanting to be held and cuddled. So I do it... A LOT.

I do walk that fine line of wanting to encourage independence. So, there are many times that instead of picking him up I come down to his level and give him a hug. Or I offer for him to hold my hand instead of needing to be carried or sit on me.

I NEVER want to discourage the loving and cuddle time. I figure (to a reasonable extent) he knows what he needs and he is asking for it. For whatever reason, right now he needs to feel loved and protected. I will not deny him that.

This makes dropping off at day care a little tough. There is always crying right now so we are going back to our separation anxiety initiative: one tight hug, "I love you, I will be back later to pick you up," and hand off. Otherwise we might just end up staying all day.

So, bottom line- if you see me out and about and want to judge me for carrying my capable toddler around, I am cool with that. Know that it isn't because I don't want to hear him cry because I am cool with that too- It's that I want to give him what he needs. This is a choice. If it gets carried away, I will deal with that and the consequences as such... I WON'T ask you to come over and deal with it, so don't worry about that one.

Well I might ask some of you to come over and deal with it. I haven’t decided yet. We'll see how it goes... probably just a phase. When it's not a phase anymore I'll miss the cuddles.

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