...I would argue that it is sometimes the pain in things that make you appreciate them the most... it is my unconditional willingness to endure the middle-of-the-night feedings, the cleaning up of vomit, the screaming for no good reason, etc that makes me realize how much I love my child and love raising him...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Real Live Alarm Clock

You know that moment when you are waking up from sleeping in and it’s glorious and you can just lay there and relax and enjoy being rested AND restful.
Yea, I don’t get that anymore.
Even when the baby does (minutely) sleep later, I wake up angry that the baby is actually sleeping in but I have woken up. I almost prefer that little weepy alarm clock because at least then I know I have squeezed every ounce of sleep opportunity out of that night.
Most mornings the longing baby is my alarm clock entirely too soon and those mornings I just wish he would sleep in a bit… just a bit. But again, if I woke up before him it would cause me the same (yet different) strife so, you know, whatever.
Let me tell you how my little baby alarm clock goes… first he wakes up and starts moaning a bit. He then follows that up by laying there and kicking his crib- this is usually my first wake up call. Every-so-often, this leads to Zach falling back asleep so we will call this thumping like my snooze button. If sleep does not return to him, he will then start talking to himself and that will progress to crying out for the sucker (mommy because daddy will ignore him). He has progressed to crying, “please mommy help me, help me mommy,” because he knows that is the most effective pathetic cry that will get me to him faster.
That little dickens.
It still beats the annoying hum of an actual alarm clock.
I’ll take it.

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