Starting tomorrow, in an effort to be completely transparent, I am going to start putting up some more posts on the issue that is currently swimming around in my head: speech delay.
You SHOULD NOT read these if you can’t come from a positive, supportive place. And YOU MUST go into reading these posts knowing that I have trouble with anxiety. What comes out in these posts is my anxiety and not a realistic view of what is going on with my child.
But I know that other people deal with this… or things similar to this. I know I am not alone. I want them to know they are not alone. I want people that are supporting me/them to have an idea of what can go through a mother’s head.
It also might show my child one day how deep my love goes and how seriously I take my role as his guide and protector.
Remember the facts given from my post a couple weeks ago, Stream of Consciousness. Zach jargons CONSTANTLY. This means that he babbles in sentences and will repeat his babbles exactly if asked to (as if he is speaking his own language). He will repeat words when asked to and slowly he is starting to spontaneously use words- favorites include dog and daddy. He will accurately respond with yes or no when asked a question. He also follows directions and commands (even multistep directions). He uses sign language and gestures extensively. He will say, up to, three word sentences in sign language. He talks to his daddy and I MUCH more than he will ever talk in front of others.
For you, this is a tool to educate. For me, this is a tool to work through thoughts.
Please don’t be offended if you have been a supporter for me and/or if anything seems to speak to something you have done. Again, this is a tool. It isn’t intended to send any message other than to offer insight.
DO NOT read unless you can keep all of that in mind.
Thank you.
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