...I would argue that it is sometimes the pain in things that make you appreciate them the most... it is my unconditional willingness to endure the middle-of-the-night feedings, the cleaning up of vomit, the screaming for no good reason, etc that makes me realize how much I love my child and love raising him...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What's A Toddler to Eat


You might remember that I really struggled with this when Zach first started eating solids (and by that I mean real solids... not mushy baby food solids). Well, now Zach is generally a hoover... to the point that often I just stop giving him food because I think that he would keep eating forever if I kept supplying him with food.

I am conscious about his nutrition being balanced etc. I also am highly concerned that things be easy, convenient, and quick to prepare. If these are also your parameters, here are lists of some of our "go to" foods.

Whole Grain Eggo Waffle
Yogurt (I generally get GoGurts so that I can squirt them directly in his mouth and not mess with a spoon that he then wants to play with)
Scrambled Eggs
Sausage Roll
Open Breakfast Burrito (when we are eating on the go... usually from Sonic)
Cereal or Nutrigrain Bar

String Cheese
Cold Cuts (I'll get him a sub at the sandwich shop and just break it down for him- I only give him half of the break)
Hamburger Patty
Hot dog
Chicken Strips
Fish Sticks

Chunky Pastas (tortellini, ravioli)- I like to use pesto sauce due to less of a mess and less of a staining mess
Grilled Chicken Breast
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Simple Quesadilla
Honestly, pretty much whatever we are eating cut up small

Mandarin Oranges

Canned Mixed Veggies are our "go to," otherwise we are making sure the veggies are generally well cooked and very soft because if he has to work at it, forget it.
Sliced Cucumber
Sliced Tomato
Corn (I know, I know... really just a starch)

Animal Crackers
String Cheese

Much of these things you can buy precooked and frozen so that it is a quick trip in the microwave before dinner is on the table. Also, with the veggies, sometimes I used canned or frozen but I also have those Ziploc Zip 'n Steam bags so I can stream cook our fresh veggies in the microwave in a flash.

Generally, anymore, we really just give him whatever we are having, just cut up but when that won't fly either because we are eating something that doesn't translate into toddler food well or we are eating something we don't want to encourage him to eat (ahem, wings and fries) we have some fall back options.

Do you have any other "go to" foods!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Not necessarily for a toddler, but I like to keep some hard-boiled eggs in the fridge. It doesn't take too much prep work, and it's nice to have a quick source of protein ready to go.
